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Extreme Euphoria - Meeting the Man Behind the Magic - Interview with Dickon Laws

Reported by Harderfaster / Submitted 21-12-04 10:22

Dickon Laws is a well established face amongst the hard dance clubbing community. Having started his promoting career with the infamous Slinky he moved to London and after a brief spell working in "a normal job" (Asset Management), his love of dance music culture saw him working for what is arguably London's biggest hard dance franchise, Frantic. Having helped put on a number of events, including Hard House Academy's in Brixton, Dickon moved on to work for what is fast becoming the most powerful DJ management company in the Capital, Most Wanted. Working as Head of Global Promotions means that Dickon gets to work alongside a team of professionals who work tirelessly to keep the scene we all know and love alive. On top of that he also promotes Extreme Euphoria, and on Boxing Day Sunday his team is wrapping up your christmas with a big bang in the shape of Anne Savage, Andy Farley and many more at The Fridge in Brixton.

Born and raised in Surrey, Dickon first got involved with the dance scene through his older brother dragging him around to raves. Soon bit by the "clubbing bug" it wasn't long before Dickon found himself ingrained in a culture that both inspired and encouraged him to work hard within a promotion that continues to be a huge success today, Slinky.

Not content on working all the hours God sends on the promotinal front, Dickon also dabbles as a Dj and has made quite a few appearances on the London scene. We decided to track him down and find out more about him, his history within the scene and his role as promoter of Extreme Euphoria.

So Dickon, tell us a little bit more about yourself. Where are you from? Where did you grow up and when did music become an important part of your life?

I grew up in Guildford, Surrey but my family are originally from the West Country. I went to University in Bournemouth but dropped out after 2 years and started with Slinky. Music has been in my blood since I was only about 13. My brother and his friends were very much part of the early Rave scene and from hanging about with them I got hooked!

You are seen as one of the more down to earth promoters and are well respected and liked by clubbers and promoters alike. Most people associate you with starting out with Frantic, but you became a promoter as early as 1997 with Slinky – can you tell us more about your career history from that early period?

Yeah Slinky was where it all started for me promotion wise. When I first started at the Club (The Opera House) I was working every night it was open as a glass collector (I have empathy for any glass collector at any venue I work at now) and after a while moved onto working behind the Bar, then eventually up to the promotions team. It’s all changed now but Molly Compton was head of promotions then and we had a good friendship so I got more and more involved with the promotional side of the club. It’s wicked to still see them doing what they do best and ramming the Opera House week in week out!

You took time away from promoting to become an Asset Manager – what made you take a change in career and what brought you back to promoting?

Yeah they’re not often linked, Asset Management and Hard Dance promoting! I think more people should dabble in both ha ha. No seriously when I came to London I thought it was time to get a ‘proper job’ as my brother calls it and so moved into Trust and Asset management which I had a good understanding off.

One morning I had an early 20’s crisis. My boss was getting so excited about the rise in price of some shares you would have though he won the lottery! I decided enough was enough and asked myself what the f*ck I was doing wearing a tie and sitting behind a desk worrying about stocks and shares and not really being very happy with the new career move at all! Fate played its part and the same day Robyn from Frantic contacted me seeing if I wanted to join the team….the rest as they say is history!

What were the most important things you learnt from working with a major promotion such as Frantic?

Working for Frantic is the proper coalface of promoting! Myself and Robyn Hicks (formerly of Frantic now Tidy Trax) met up some weeks ago and we both agree that working for Will Frantic was some of the hardest graft we have ever done, but also some of the most rewarding. The most valuable lesson I did learn was to go that extra mile to make the relevant party/event as good as it can be. It’s that point when you ask your self can you really be bothered to do x-y-z or if it is really worth it and every time saying yes and getting on with it. I think it what makes the difference between a good party and a great party….

In 2004 you became part of the Most Wanted team and are now the Head of Global Promotions! What’s an average day like for you?

That’s hard as I don’t think there is such a thing as an average day. The laws of normality go out the window and, much as I hate the expression, it’s very much about thinking ‘Outside of the Box’. Although Kate Lynch and Craig Paxton & Trevor Mclachlan are the hands on, front-line promoters for Twisted and Innovate respectively I make a point of keeping up to date with how things are going with them day by day. I also spend a significant amount of time developing the Extreme Euphoria brand and also our US, European and Southern Hemisphere interests.

How does it feel to work alongside such a hard working and dedicated team?

I am lucky that most roles I have been in I have had the support of a hard working and dedicated team. Because of the multi-faceted nature of Most Wanted thought it goes beyond that. We have Most Wanted DJ Management, Most Wanted PR, Most Wanted Design and will soon be adding more strings to the bow as well. This means we have a fast pool of talented individuals working across a range of departments to pull from for all projects; it’s an immense asset to have and makes my life that little bit easier day to day.

You work for the agency that manages Andy Farley, Anne Savage, John “00” Flemming, Scott Project, Marco V and numerous others – did you ever dream that you would one day work with such renown artists and do you ever get start struck?

In all honesty I used to get completely star struck when I first got into the scene. Remember for years I was on the dance floors with everyone else worshipping the artists. He will take the p*ss out of me for this but when I first met Andy Farley I was like ‘Holy Sh*t it’s Andy Farley!’ trying to hide it well of course and keep cool but under the surface your like ‘wait till I tell my mates who came into the office today’. Thankfully I am no longer so sad!

I have immense respect for the DJs and artists and what they have achieved but at the same time when you get to know the artists better you are reminded that underneath it all they are just normal people with a pulse and emotions, who are just exceptionally gifted at what they do.

You help oversee Twisted and Innovate with Kate Lynch and Craig Paxton respectively, but you are personally in charge of Extreme Euphoria – how does it feel to have your own promotion to run with the backing of such a well grounded and professional team?

Well when I decided to move on from Frantic it was initially to take a break from it all, gather my thoughts and then make the next move. All that kind of went out the window when I got a call from Kate at Most Wanted asking if I would be interested in promoting Extreme Euphoria. It’s a brand that I personally have always held in very high regard and was a sensational proposition. After meeting with Most Wanted it became clear we both had the same ambitions for the brand and the rest is history.

The team I have behind me is nothing short of world class. Most Wanted differs from a lot of other management companies in that it has an in-house PR team (headed by Kate Lynch) and they manage accounts such as Tidy and Ahead so they are on the 100% on the ball and help my cause no end. As well as my colleague in crime little Lisa B the whole Most Wanted team are very close knit and everyone has an input into what I do with the event so I cant ask for much more.

As a kid you used to sneak off to raves with your brother – what was it for you personally that got you so enticed in the dance music scene?

I have asked myself this many times but can’t put my finger on it. I think it’s the vibe of so many people coming together in one place to have the best night/day of their lives. The energy that is produced and the atmosphere generated from a dance event is enough to put hairs down the back of my neck every single time. It’s also what you grow up with and my brother had a massive influence on my young, impressionable mind obviously!

If money were no object and you had a choice to put on a rave or a clubbing event with whatever line up you wished – which would you choose and who would be in your line up?

I hate it when people get asked this question and say ‘Oh there are too many to mention’ etc and leave it at that so I cam going to get stuck in!

Visually I have seen nothing like the Black & White Sensation Parties in Amsterdam Football Stadium. It’s more to do with what production they put into it rather than the venue but with so much space there are literally no limits to what they can do. That would be the venue with ease.

Talent wise: for something that big I’d love to pull on as many different styles and genres as possible. So a few would be:

Scot Project: he amazes me every time I see him. He is very consistent and at the same time manages to change his sound everytime I see him so you can predict what’s coming next.

Fausto: He doesn’t venture to these shores often but in Europe he is massive. If you blended a K90 set with Ed Real and throw in some Tom Harding and some Scot Project then you get Fausto. Very underated in my opinion.

Wid & Ben: 2 young guys who for me had an immense 2004. They’re production is breathing new life into the scene and at the Tidy weekender they stole the show with their double team set. Watch out for them at Twisted in February!

Boxing Day is quite a challenge as a promoter isn’t it? What do you have lined up with Extreme Euphoria that will entice clubbers through your club doors and dance off their Christmas turkey?

Don’t get me wrong I love my family to bits but by Boxing Day you want to get out and spread your legs! Putting on parties around holiday periods like Bank Holidays, Easter or Xmas always seem to make the party that little bit more relaxed and so people enjoy themselves just that little bit more creating an intense but wicked atmosphere. I have never done an event on Boxing Day before so I am looking forward to it.

As this is the first time we will be taking Extreme South of the River we want to make the party that extra bit special. As always we have a HUGE line up and as well as this it’s the latest Extreme Euphoria, mixed by Anne, launch party. We will be putting a lot of extra production and décor into the venue and generally making it a good excuse to leave your Gran at home minding the left over mince pies!

I have seen from your mail outs that you have a very special guest line up as well – any clues as to who this will be or will we have to keep guessing until the night?

It’s on general release now so a lot of people may already know but it’s the man himself, Andy Farley. Andy has been absent from London for over 5 months as he prepared for what was the launch of his own night Blue. This is going to be his first Harder set since June and having spoken to him about it he cant wait to get back to the Fridge!

Extreme Euphoria has always had an excellent record in supporting female DJ’s and with Boxing Day it is no different, having the great Anne Savage playing for you – is it important to support women in the industry, or do you feel that gender is no longer and issue any more?

To be honest I sometime feel, in Hard Dance anyway, that the guys are the ones that need supporting!! The girls do fine by themselves at the moment. At the top end of the scale Anne & Lisa have taken up residence in the Top 100 DJs in the world for a good few years now and don’t look like going anywhere. There are a massive group of younger female Djs emerging through the ranks such as Amber D, Caroline Banx, Donna Birt, Miss Behavin, Zana Mills so that is proof in itself that they can now stand on their own 2 feet.

The Fridge is one of London’s best and favourite hard dance clubs – Most Wanted have a great relationship with the venue, putting on a number of other of their promotions there – what do you personally find so special about the Fridge that makes it so integral to your events?

We have a fantastic relationship with the venue and long may it prosper. The management and owners think very much along our lines and we work off each other for the benefit of the venue and our events there. Although we do have events at other venues our spiritual home is definitely the Fridge. I first went there in the Escape from Samsara days and I will always have a soft spot for that specific piece of South London turf. Its unique as it combines the old underground rave venue feel with a more up to date super-club image, taking the best of both and rolling it into one. You can have loads of events there and someone each one is different from the last without making too many changes to the venues interior.

What has been the best experience for you so far this year in terms of work? How would you sum up 2004 in your own words?

At the moment I am so excited about next year and what we’ve got in store that I haven’t had a chance to take stock and look back on 2004. Having said that joining Most Wanted and taking on the Euphoria brand was a massive mile stone for me. Event wise it would have to be the last HardHouse Academy I did. My very last event for Frantic and before the last tune was played BK stopped the music and Will got me up on stage. 4000 people all clapping and with a thanks and goodwill message broadcast on every plasmas screen in the Main Room was one of those moments I will remember for a very, very long time.

Looking into the future – where do you see Extreme Euphoria heading over the next 12 months? What would you like to achieve?

When I took over the Extreme Euphoria brand it was already a huge success but there was also so much untapped potential: one of the main reasons I am so excited about taking it on.

Next year we hope to further consolidate our global brand positioning with events across the world, not just with Extreme Euphoria but a whole host of other parties. In terms of Euphoria I want to expand its reach to the rest of the clubbing community and build it into one of the top Hard Dance parties in the world. With Anne Savage revealed as the new face of the brand and with scope for more parties at more venues worldwide the wheels are already in motion. I’ll keep you posted ;-)

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions of your own that you would care to share with us?

To see more daylight at the weekends!

What about predictions? Anything you would like to see happen that you fancy predicting for us now?

It’s already started but I see events becoming more eclectic in their sound and musical programming. It won’t just be about one or two sounds in the main room but incorporate many genres of music – hopefully making them less predictable.

Any last comments?

No comment Wink

Photos courtesy of Harderfaster Photo Section

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The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: Banga Matt on 21st Dec 2004 11:14.35
nice work bro

From: Rainey on 21st Dec 2004 11:14.40
love your work D x

From: emmahardware on 21st Dec 2004 11:20.05
good interview D Smile

From: houseCHICK on 21st Dec 2004 11:30.25
Great interview!
Dickon, seems like you have a very interesting career lined up with the Extreme Euphoria brand. Good luck with going global!

From: Richard Launch on 21st Dec 2004 12:34.43
Top work mate....! Bring on Sunday Big grin

From: Craig Paxton on 21st Dec 2004 13:34.06
Onwards and upwards D.. Thumbs up

From: Karl Alexander on 21st Dec 2004 13:46.01
good interview. Have to agree with the choice of Fausto in the dream lineup -the guy is amazing but I haven't seen him in London since a Pendragon years ago Thumbs up

From: Stevi D on 21st Dec 2004 13:46.30
Tight work D!

From: Karl Alexander on 21st Dec 2004 13:51.19
good interview. Have to agree with the choice of Fausto in the dream lineup -the guy is amazing but I haven't seen him in London since a Pendragon years ago Thumbs up

From: Maria on 21st Dec 2004 14:01.40
Wicked!!!Nuff respect innit I'm so looking forward to Let's Funk with Extreme Euphoria this Sunday at Fridge. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to work with you.Thank you, thank you!Never enough...never...ever!!!

From: Paul Divine on 21st Dec 2004 14:36.25
yo da man!!! Smile Wicked interview!

From: paul jack on 21st Dec 2004 14:40.21
well done sir! all very deserved

From: K.A.R.L. on 21st Dec 2004 15:09.09
Wicked interview mate. Am looking forward to whats instore for us all next year.

From: Danny Gilligan on 21st Dec 2004 18:22.04
Very good detailed interview mate, it will be a pleasure to work with you.

From: Darz on 22nd Dec 2004 01:01.45
wicked interview Dickon, top work.

From: TEK-DJ Management on 22nd Dec 2004 02:57.21
Wicked interview.........Respect!!!!!

From: Type 1 on 22nd Dec 2004 09:09.43
Nice interview!! maybe we'll get round to having that crack on next year!!

From: Tidy Robyn on 22nd Dec 2004 11:22.09
A fine interview except for one glaring omission forgot to mention bird mating. King of the World! ;-)

From: Trevor McLachlan on 22nd Dec 2004 11:32.11
Top interview mate. Been great working with you towards the end of 2004, and looking forward to more of the same in 2005 Thumbs up Bring it on .... Wink

From: nige_n on 22nd Dec 2004 11:32.41
Asset Management - sounds about as dull as what I do.

Nice interview and a top bloke.

From: ~deleted1390 on 22nd Dec 2004 12:18.16
Cool interview. A few insights there.
Keep up the good work.

From: JC FRANTIC on 22nd Dec 2004 12:28.24
'Out of the Box' hehe

good interview matey x

From: PEDRA--***DRUM TRAX***-- on 22nd Dec 2004 13:23.35
All the best for THE MAN
that makes one of the best parties in the world

From: ClubCasualty on 22nd Dec 2004 13:56.39
Top interview, Dickon's a talented bloke and good to see him doing so well.

From: George-E on 22nd Dec 2004 14:47.43
Wikd I/view D, bout the SProject bit...ya luv it dontcha, LOL!

From: clubchick on 22nd Dec 2004 16:00.25
Still a down to earth guy, good luck with it all Dickon and great interview! Merry Xmas to you all!

From: Lx on 22nd Dec 2004 17:36.09
nice one Dickon!
shall all have great fun on sundayYay!

From: Nikki S on 22nd Dec 2004 17:36.43
Nice to have you on board Dickie and I look forward to working with you and watching your plans come alive in 2005.

From: richbowenuk on 22nd Dec 2004 19:38.23
Been good to meet ya matey and all the best for the future! Smile

From: Double J on 23rd Dec 2004 11:35.55
Nice one mate. You're a class act. See you on the 26th. Waves

From: Dr DUZZIT on 23rd Dec 2004 13:26.31
no one deserves it more than you mateThumbs up

From: hoki on 23rd Dec 2004 15:22.17
oops hahah, as one of the first Frantic people to show me love, friendship and respect - i will always have time for Dickon. Respect, much lurve and Vanilla Fudge xxx

From: Danny Luu on 23rd Dec 2004 15:46.21
I still remember you chucking me off the stage at Camden Palace! Wink

Keep up the good work mate Thumbs up

From: My little pinkie on 23rd Dec 2004 16:10.56
Here's to a fabulously successful year ahead hun - I can tell it's gonna be a whole lot of fun (and maybe a bit of hard work!). Big Love x

From: Mikey P on 23rd Dec 2004 18:46.58
You have made your own success & those that know you, have enjoyed the ride ... hope you find a bit more time to enjoy it in 2005... see ya Wink

From: Wiggii on 24th Dec 2004 12:38.53
Good promoter, good dj and most importantly good friend. Keep up the good work D.

From: Tina Martin on 25th Dec 2004 23:29.21
Nice interview mate.. great to be part of your team Thumbs up

From: Dickon Laws on 26th Dec 2004 15:51.54
Thankyou all so much for your kind comments - I am totally blown away! Hope you can all come and enjoy the party tonight! Happy Xmas every one!

From: Donna Birt on 26th Dec 2004 19:32.50
Hi D... big hi from sunny NZ hehe. Wicked interview... have loved working with you, one of the most down to earth people in the industry! Not to mention the man behind my sis ;-) Here's to many more b2b's xx

From: *charlie*! on 27th Dec 2004 16:53.51
Pure legend!!!

thats all i have to say Smile


From: Eve on 27th Dec 2004 18:49.35
Legend is an understatement!!! - Love you babe! Mmmwwah!

From: El Greko on 28th Dec 2004 12:58.21
Wicked interview D, Couldn't be happier for you mate. Thumbs up

From: zimbolicious on 31st Dec 2004 13:42.02
Hugs nice work hon

From: djviticus on 4th Jan 2005 10:36.46
wicked stuff man soryy i wasnt there for the show. its always a pleasure to hang out with u when im out there. keep it up man and much love from sunny cali Smile

From: Steve Prince on 6th Jan 2005 16:28.16
wicked work mate keep it up you know you can

From: DIRTYBITCH on 9th Jan 2005 12:32.26
Well done babe!!! Keep up the fantastic work!!!

From: taemas on 11th Jan 2005 13:45.02
Wicked work D! My clubbing wouldn't have been the same without you...Very special!
Love Bx

From: delwalsh on 14th Jan 2005 17:41.41
nice one de, ur a star in your own right!

From: MooShoo on 15th Jan 2005 22:14.42
You look a bit like Addy from Eastenders in that piccy 2nd from the top!!! .... (hehehe jawkin like) Laughs out loudLaughs out loudLaughs out loudLaughs out loudLaughs out loud

From: MooShoo on 15th Jan 2005 22:29.40
You look a bit like Addy from Eastenders in that piccy 2nd from the top!!! .... (hehehe jawkin like) Laughs out loudLaughs out loudLaughs out loudLaughs out loudLaughs out loud

From: leena on 4th Mar 2005 04:10.18
So glad your doing well for youself d, would be nice if i didnt have to find out whats happening in the world of d on the net, drop us a line sometime you lazy bastard!

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